Senior year is a huge landmark in a high schooler's life. It’s what we look forward to and plan for our freshman, sophomore, and junior years. Twelfth grade is the grand finale in the fireworks show of high school, the cherry on top of the high school sundae. It doesn’t seem possible, but here I am, a high school senior. While most of it’s great, there are a few unexpected drawbacks to being top dog.
It's awesome not to have to answer to anyone, but it kind of sucks to be the person in charge. All of these underclassmen see you as a higher authority, someone who knows exactly what they’re doing and has this whole life thing down. Hate to break it to you guys, but I have no idea what I'm doing 99.9999999% of the time. Seriously, my dearest youngsters, don't look up to me; I'm a hot mess. This pressure to have it all together and be a guiding force is sometimes difficult to handle.
And talk about responsibility! I love floating around in my own little world while others take care of me, but senior year doesn't want me to be happy. Senior year wants me to become a responsible adult and make important life decisions, blah, blah, blah. Knock it off senior year! I don’t want this!
Also, everything has this bittersweet taste, because while I’m so excited that I’m almost out of here, I will never experience many of these things ever again. This causes this pressure of having to make absolutely everything count, which can drive a girl crazy.
All of the sudden, my future is staring me in the face. It’s always been some distant concept that could be easily dismissed. Well, not anymore. It’s a very present and imminent force that demands to be dealt with. For me, the habitual procrastinator, this is not fun.
While many of the challenges senior year presents seem scary and difficult, I know that my classmates and I will conquer them. I’m positive that this will be the best year of high school yet. Class of 2014, we’ve got this!