Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow: Part 1- Cody Schimtz

It’s hard to write this, mainly because I’m refusing to think about it. In my mind, Courtney, Leyli and I will continue to be in each others’ lives for, well, forever. Yes we will always be in each others’ lives, but this fall is different. From now on the three of us will be in each others’ lives indirectly, passing through for a day or week at a time to catch up. Instead of experiencing life simultaneously, we’ll have to learn about each others’ separate experiences with new friends and unfamiliar locations. We can’t just meet in Watson’s room. We can’t go to El Puertos every night. We can’t sneak out of class and wander the halls together, because no one cares if you miss class in college. We can’t do a lot of the things we’ve always done. Our final year together has helped me realize just how much these two weirdos have given me over the years, and I hope I gave each of them a bit of the same. Here is what I’ll miss the most about Courtney and Leyli:
1. Complete Honesty
The three of us have reached an agreement. We can voice whatever opinion we have, and be as transparent as we want around one another. No one’s going to get their feelings hurt. I won’t be able to do this with anyone I meet at college. I can’t just freak out on a new friend and expect them to stick around. It’s cathartic to have that unconditional relationship and I wish I could keep them in my dorm for that reason.
2. Inside Jokes
Half of our everyday conversation is like another language to the outside listener. This is because we manage to fit an ongoing joke or past experience into every sentence we speak to each other. Example: 
“Oh, Shauna, no.”
“I know.”
I apologize for anyone (read: everyone) we left out at some point over a joke in the past. Just know that whatever it was, it was hilarious and you had to be there.
3. Adventures and Shenanigans
Speaking of past experiences, there is no one with which I have gotten into more trouble with than Courtney and Leyli. I wonder if I can mention our experiences here without being incriminating. 
Corn Queen 2012
Spring Play 2012
Chelsie’s House
Cupcake Wars
The Roof 2.0
That should be vague enough, right? This is to name an extremely limited few.
4. Class will never be the same
How many classes have we had together? How many hilarious little experiences did we get to share in classes over the last six years? In my estimation, our most cherished classes will be: (* is a Courtney only class, ** is Leyli only)
English 10
Chemistry II*
Algebra I**
The year we all had different advisories but just met in Mrs. Gerard’s room anyways
American History
Freshman Health**
Not only did we get to share these memories, I simply had more fun in classes with these two. They taught me that if you’re not going to have fun while doing it, why do something? It saddens me that when something hilarious happens next year, I won’t get to share it with my best friends.
Obviously there’s more to tell. But let’s be honest, you guys don’t really care about every little thing that happened to Courtney, Leyli, and I over the last however many years, and we don’t expect you too. The only people who truly care are the three of us, and that’s all we need. My hope is that as we finally go our separate ways, we can continue to share little moments, because those little “in between” moments are what stick with you and make something truly worthwhile.

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