Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Insanity of the College Application Process - Julie Gross

The Insanity of the College Application Process
By Julie Gross
Senior year is the busiest year for high school students. I personally did not believe everyone when they told me I would be busy. I mean sure, I have been pretty busy before, but now I am overwhelmed. The most overwhelming tasks of senior year so far are the college applications and scholarship essays. I can literally only do about two hours of the application process without pulling out my hair, snapping at my mom, or just putting my head on the table repeating, “I can’t.”
Each college just has to have my information, my parent’s information, every class I have taken since preschool and my family history dating back to the 1800’s. I am exaggerating a bit, but after seven applications and one to go I have had enough of filling out the same information over and over again. The information part of the applications is not even the worst part. The worst part is the essays for the applications, honors college applications, and scholarships.
The regular application essays are usually all the same and something along the lines of, “Why would you be a good fit and what unique qualities would you bring to this school?” I basically use the same essay over and over for this question, changing the name to the right college, but the scholarship essays get worse. “Picasso once said that art is a lie that makes us see the truth at least a truth that is given to us to understand. Do you believe art is a lie? What kinds of truth will art make us realize?” My first reaction to this question was, “What??!” After staring at a computer screen for two hours, the words jumbled together. I might have been able to understand it if I actually had the time, but wait, I have projects, assignments, and tests in my high school classes that I have to pass before I can go to college! Grrrr.
Here is my advice to underclassmen: write down all your activities, how much time you spend on them, your parents’ education level, and your favorable traits that would make a college want to have you attend their school. And be prepared to write. If you want any sort of scholarships practice writing, learn correct grammar rules; basically just eat, breathe, and sleep writing. Good luck all you future seniors. You are going to need it.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Perks of Being a Drum Major - Janae Champlin

The Perks of Being a Drum Major
By: Janae Champlin
  2. You don’t have to play an instrument.
    • It’s so great to walk into the band room and watch everyone assemble their instruments while I just watch them and drink my warm lemon water.
  3. You hardly do any marching.
    • I’m not a fan of marching more than a straight line so only doing it for a couple parades and around the track before games is absolutely amazing.
  4. You get ripped arm muscles
    • You wouldn’t think that waving your arms would be that strenuous, but let me tell you, it is. After vigorously conducting for almost eight minutes you’re sweating up a storm, but the fact your arms look super toned makes up for it!
  5. You get to use the Acme Thunderer Whistle.
    • I have used lifeguard whistles for years, but this whistle trumps them all.
  6. There is lots of yelling involved.
    • Whether it’s saying a command or just getting the drum line to shut up for five minutes I use my voice loud and proud!
  7. Did I mention that you get to wear a cape?
  8. During the games you get to sit by the Color Guard.
    • They come with blankets, hot chocolate, and glitter. You can’t get any better than that!
  9. You get to do a salute.
    • Out of the whole show the drum major’s salute is one of things you don’t want to miss. I spend more time searching salute videos on YouTube than I do on my homework.
  10. You get to direct the band.
    • You literally have the power in your two hands! On the third song of this year’s show, the band has to hold a note as long as I want them to. I just stand there with my arms out and a smile on my face thinking to myself, “Yeah that’s right; you hold that note till I say stop.”
  11. And the most important one of all
    • It comes with a cape!

What NOT to Wear (Please) - Julie Gross

What NOT to Wear (Please)

By Julie Gross

For the ladies:

  1. Short shorts

          I mean it’s hot outside in the summer. I get it. We all want to wear shorts, but when cheek starts showing we have a problem. It’s not cute. I promise you it’s not. Plus it also creates a bad image and opens you up to criticism from other girls. Just wear shorts that are a decent length and everyone wins.

2. Leggings that are too thin

          Another pet peeve of mine. I totally understand that leggings are warm and comfy. They are basically stylish sweatpants; let’s be honest. But when I can see your underwear through them, it just ruins the whole look. (And if you aren’t wearing underwear…well let’s not even talk about that.)_ I spent freshman year in advisory with two girls who always wore leggings too tight and I had to see their underwear every day. Once again it’s just not cute.

3. See through/Low-cut shirts

          There is a very easy solution to both these problems. It’s called a cami. Not only does it cover up your chest it can add a cute pop of color! I love my camis because they always just add a little more to my outfits!

For the guys:

1. Socks and sandals

          I believe sandals were invented so you don’t have to wear socks. So I really don’t get why you wear socks with sandals, and it also makes you look like my grandpa.  Sorry that’s the truth.

2. Really cut-out cutoffs

          Cutoffs are meant for workouts not for school. Sure they are comfy but no one really wants to see your fuzzy armpits and sweat. Girls hate sweat. Just no.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Top 6 Movies to Watch Before Going to College - Connor Reynolds

Top 6 Movies to Watch before Going to College
By Connor Reynolds
After senior year of high school graduates are always looking for a thrill before they go off to college. This can often be a probably with work taking a lot of the time in summer up for graduates to be able to pay for college. With not having enough time from work or not being able to afford to do something thrilling there’s a simple solution.
#1 The Lord of the Rings Trilogy 
·         Watch as the races of Middle-earth fight to defend The One Ring from Lord Sauron and his army.
#2 Fight Club
·         The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club. An office worker and soap maker create the ever growing Fight Club.
#3 Breakfast Club
·         Five teens meet in detention to find out how their major differences don’t affect the similarities they share.
#4 Star Wars I – VI
·         Intergalactic space travel with aliens, humans and robotic droids. The Jedi who use the force for good to protect the galaxy and fight against The Sith who use the force for evil.
#5 Grease
·         A classic romantic comedy musical of Greasers and the Pink Ladies. Car races, the love story of Danny and Sandy, and the common high school problems all in one.
#6 Drumline
·         Cocky high school drummer Devon Miles earns his spot in a university drumline and uses his natural talent in a battle of the bands against the rival school.

The Pros and Cons of my Sister Going to College - Mallory Thompson

The pros and cons of my sister going to college

 By Mallory Thompson




-I now have my own car.

          My sister’s car was passed down to me and since she is not taking it to college (partly because it wouldn’t make it out of town) she leaves it home for me.


-I have access to whatever in her room.

          Clothes, clothes and more clothes. I am lucky we are almost the same size. Everything she left behind, I now wear “secretly”. However, I Snapchat her everyday so she probably sees me wearing them. I also love to read. Before she left, I would hardly get to read her collection of books, and now I can take all the books I could ever want.


-No more fighting.

          Everyone fights with their siblings. We are just the same. Big fights or small fights, we have arguments. Now there is finally peace in the house.


-I get the house to myself.

          When my parents aren’t home, I have free range of the house. There’s not much you can do by yourself, but sometimes I just need my alone time.


-I get to go on road trips.

          Our friends want to go visit her in college, so I will probably get to tag along.


-I get to have a little knowledge about college life.

          I will see some of the things that go on in the dorms. I hear all kinds of stories about classes and extracurricular activities. It also prepares me for what’s coming.


-I get to be my own person.

Hopefully, I will stop being “Katie’s little sister”. I can have my own friends and make my own plans. I will not be compared to my sister as often.





-I don’t have my own personal homework helper.

          You know when you have that one problem that you just can’t figure it out? What do you do? Go and ask your sibling for help. Now I will have to figure it out myself.


-I don’t have a free ride anymore.

          I used to be able to ask my sister for a ride if she wasn’t busy.


- I don’t have an outfit picker or a hair stylist.

          If you’re like me, you have no fashion sense at all. Also, I fail at doing hair.


- I won’t have her to bring me stuff.

          I used to forget my homework at home. My sister would bring it to me on her honors or lunch. Maybe now I’ll remember to bring it.


-I miss her.

Yes, I miss her. I wasn’t sure I would, but I really do.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

New Technology - Isaac Sprague


    Technology is advancing at an alarming rate and there are many inventors trying to get their product out there to make our lives easier and more enjoyable. From artificial intelligence to the newest virtual reality, the new inventions are being developed and enhanced in ways we never thought possible.


baby x


Baby X is an artificial intelligence simulation created at the University of Auckland in New Zealand has been created to simulate the learning of toddlers. The “toddler” is one of many artificial intelligences being created today and is learning more every day. With basic facial imitations and a short attention span Baby X is an intriguing concept. The way Baby X works is the programing allows for the same chemical reactions that we have with dopamine and oxytocin that react in our brain and code that into a program connected with sensory digital input to make sense of what is asked of her. Maybe someday parents will be able to see if they are ready for children by working with a simulation similar to Baby X.



Ever wondered what while be next after HDTV? Well you may want to consider looking into 4K resolution TV’s. When you think of HDTV’s you think of a display that matches no other but 4K TV’s, also known as “Ultra HD”, have intensified the image you see on the TV and make it less pixelated. The only problem so far with these TV’s is they are expensive, and we don’t have the internet currently to sustain images that are in 3840 x 2160 resolution. Though Netflix is providing some more content in that resolution, but it is under debate as to whether they should be allowed to do so because it could slow everyone else’s internet down.


Drones are quickly becoming a hot topic. They have been banned in many national parks and are slowly becoming a common recreational toy. You can (for a price) pick up a drone that can be flown easily and has an HD camera to take magnificent photos. For example, the DJI Phantom 2 can fly to new heights, take HD video, and even go back to its original location, but is it ready for recreational or commercial use? Below is a video showing the DJI Phantom 2 in action.



Printers have been around for around 1000 years, but they have only been able to print 2D images. However, in the past 30-40 years 3D printers were invented. 3D printing has come a long way since it was invented. For instance, with a 3D printer a person can print a new phone case, cups, or organs. Another notable 3D printing phenomenon that a Chinese company has created is 3D print recycled houses. These houses are being sold for under $5,000 and the company can print up to 10 houses a day. There are also some repercussions to people using 3D printers because people are developing fully equipped guns. But the fact that they can 3D print organs is amazing.


Virtual reality has always been the impossible or so it seems but in the past few years the new device called the “Oculus Rift” has made the impossible possible. By just strapping the headset on top of your head you can simulate rollercoasters, combat, or watch movies. The newest model of the Oculus Rift, the V2, has allowed for many new features. For instance, if  a user leans forward the Oculus will react accordingly. The company also fixed the nausea problem players were having while moving around with the Rift on. The Rift is currently still in development stages but can be purchased for a mere $350.


There are many astonishing things happening in the tech industry and it is becoming harder and harder to keep up. We can only hope that the average consumer won’t have to reach down deep into their pockets to purchase all of these cool new gadgets.

The Top 7 Things Freshman Should Never Do - Allison Redmond

The Top 7 Things Freshmen Should NEVER Do:

1. Disrespect Seniority.
-We have all been freshmen before, and we all know what it is like to be at the bottom of the food chain. It is for this reason that upperclassmen should be respected.   
2. Being involved in EVERYTHING.
-Don’t be that freshman who tries to be involved in EVERY extracurricular activity; this is not junior high. If you try to do everything you will be overwhelmed. Don’t make your life worse by getting involved in too much.
3. Not getting involved in anything.
-On the other hand, don’t be a loner. Find at least one or two activities that actually interest you, and enjoy them. You have to find a happy medium between too much and not enough.
4. Walk on the wrong side of the hallway.
5. Run in the hallway.
-Four minutes is PLENTY of time to get to your next class. Lunch will still be there even if it takes you an extra minute to get to the cafeteria. RUNNING IS NOT NECESSARY.
6. Talk.
-I’m mostly kidding, but don’t be that freshman who talks ALL of the time. Also, if you have something that absolutely needs to be said, THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK. Those last four words could save your life in more areas than just school.
7. Let others define you.
-Remember that life is too short to be anyone but yourself. The decisions you make your freshman year, including whom you allow to influence you, will shape your future. MAKE WISE CHOICES.