At the beginning of each year Student Council holds a lock in at the high school. It begins with a meeting to discuss the homecoming theme, dress up days and goals for the year. After the meeting is wrapped up a game of "sardines" is played. This is essentially hide and seek, but when the hider is found the seeker quietly joins him until only one person is left seeking. Though it sounds a little corny for high school students, it is surprisingly entertaining at 2:00 in the morning, especially when the whole building is free game. This year the game didn't go as smoothly as in years past. Instead of all the seekers splitting in to small groups, they tended to form one large glob; defeating the general purpose of the game. Also, a few of the young ladies found the dark high school to be a little unnerving. This resulted in an abundance of screaming that persisted through the night. Even with these not so ideal circumstances it still proved just an entertaining night as it always is.
--Ike Uri
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