I do not have a hickey. Did everyone get that? Do I need to say it again? I do NOT have a hickey! You may ask, “But Leyli, didn’t you turn sixteen this weekend?” Well, I don’t know how you celebrate your birthday, but mine was not spent letting some icky guy suck on my neck for who knows how long.
You may ask, “So Leyli, if it’s not a hickey, what is that thing on your neck?” It is a BURN! Winter Formal was this weekend. Saturday, February 4, 2012, to be exact. I was curling a piece of hair and accidently burned myself. There were witnesses! They were there! You can even ask them!
And let me tell you, this thing hurts! It’s itchy, and every time I absent-mindedly scratch it, I put myself through at least ten minutes of torturous pain. Every time the collar of my shirt touches it, it screams in protest. I certainly hope that hickeys don’t hurt this much. If they do, I will never let my significant other near my neck.
I have had so many people ask in alarm, “Is that a hickey?!” Well, you now have your answer. And I’m going to say it again, just to clarify. NO, it’s NOT a hickey!
Seriously Leyli! A hickey?? I thought a lot more of you than that...