Top Ten Solutions to Our Laptop Problem:
By Cody Schmitz
As we all know (some of us are even counting down the days), Concordia High's laptop lease expires in a little under a year. Wave goodbye to constant computer crashes and shouts of, "Can I go to the Tech Lab?" - the laptop's reign is nigh! Rumors and speculation have been flying, but has anyone actually stopped to think, "What's best for our children?"
Well, I'm here to tell you what's best.
In fact, here are 10 things that would be better replacements to our school laptops than anything some committee could conjure up.
1. iPads
The obvious answer. We like 'em cause they're fun! Many complain that you can't write a research paper on an iPad. Here's my answer to that: You can't! That's the best part! With iPads, the school would have to completely ban papers because they're impossible! In fact, why don't we just ban school work? It's too hard to do on an iPad. Angry Birds for all!
2. Personal Assistants
Okay, hear me out on this one. At enrollment, every student receives a "personal person" to follow them around all day. This assistant will do almost anything for you - take notes, get you snacks, Google stuff for you, even raise your hand for you! It's perfect! The human Siri! I guess we probably can't take them home... Maybe you just check them in and out in the library? I don't know, this plan has holes that still need patching.
3. Tablets
No, not iPads. We talked about those just 2 list items ago, forgetful reader. I'm talking old school.
Let's just chisel our notes into stone! We'll never lose them, but you wouldn't be able to correct teachers anymore because their words are literally set in stone. It's perfect*! (Hey, it worked for Moses and Fred Flintstone.)
*I think perfect has lost is meaning in this article.
10. Pencil and Paper
Think about it, it's just like typing, but completely customizable! Endless possibilities: Draw a picture, take some notes, write a story - paper is the future!
Okay, to tell you the truth, it's hard to come up with 10 items to replace our laptops. (I may have skipped a number or two in there) But close enough! No wonder our administration still doesn't know what we're doing for sure after these laptops.
I'm sure whatever they come up with will work well for our school, but if I were to throw my hat into the ring... I'd push for the Assistant Approach. (Patent Pending)
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