Thursday, April 11, 2013

Reaching the Runner's High

By Courtney Monzon

Transitions can be tough and sometimes they aren’t much fun. Some people adjust better than others and handle the stress that can come along with change and transitions.  When I think of transitions I think of the transition between junior high and high school or the transition from a big move. However, transitions can deal with anything, even running.


                Have you ever heard of a runner’s high? The definition of a runner’s high is “a feeling of euphoria that is experienced by some individuals engaged in strenuous running and that is held to be associated with a release of endorphins by the brain." In other words, the transition from almost dying to feeling like you can run for days.


            Although I don’t experience a running high every time I run, when it happens it’s one of the best feelings ever. Sometimes I feel great and other times I feel like shooting myself. Normally when I begin running I feel fairly awful, but after a mile or so I start feeling a little bit better. It’s like busting through a brick wall. Suddenly you have a boost of energy that rejuvenates your soul. You feel the breeze against your skin and you simply forget about everything. You begin to forget about time and how many miles you’ve gone. For me, after about 6 miles my extraordinary journey comes to an end. 

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