Monday, November 11, 2013

Formula 1- Marcel Rimrodt

By Marcel Rimrodt
Panther Staff Writer
The Formula 1 (actually the “FIA Formula One World Championship”) is also known as the Champions league of the car racing.
The races are on the weekends and are called a “Grand Prix”. On Saturday the Qualifying takes place. This race is important to figure out the order of the drivers in the main race on Sunday. The actual race has normally a length of round about 305 kilometers.
Many of the Grand Prix’ take place in Europe because the “Formula One” is the most popular in Europe.
Nevertheless there are periodical Grand Prix in America, Australia and Asia as well.
The three dominating drivers right now are Sebastian Vettel (Germany), Fernando Alonso (Spain) and Kimi Räikkönen (Finland). In each race you can get points*. Sebastian Vettel won the last three World Championships in a row and has a too many projection points to Fernando Alonso so he will win the next one as well.
If you’re interested, you can search for videos on Youtube. There you can watch whole races and I’m sure you will get a great impression!

* Points System:
st place -> 25 points
nd place -> 18 points
rd place -> 15 points
th place -> 12 points
th place -> 10 points
th place -> 8 points
th place -> 6 points
th place -> 4 points
th place -> 2 points
th place -> 1 point
th – last place -> 0 points

Makeup Madness- Courtney Monzon

Makeup Madness
    I think all girls can relate to the love hate relationship I have with makeup. What’s not to love about something that enhances your appearance you may ask? Well, for starters it takes at least 10 minutes to do and frankly I’d rather sleep than look good. Secondly, it clogs up my pores n stuff. My face breaks out all the freaking time. So if I don’t wear it my face looks sick, but if I do later it will just make me breakout worse. I don’t mind foundation, it’s easy to apply and I’m all for looking natural. But don’t even get me started on mascara… It’s literally the worst. 1. it’s annoying to apply because I’m weirdly paranoid about making both eyes look exactly the same. 2. I have a habit of picking at my mascara. Eventually I pick all the mascara off my eyelashes (always losing a few lashes) and the partial chunks of mascara remain on my face. Cool. 3. If I’m lucky and didn’t pick at it, I still have to take it off with remover which is always a hassle. 4. This one is probably the biggest for me… Applying mascara when I’m in a hurry (I’m literally always late to everything so this happens often) is the worst. I’m just going along and then I blink really fast or do something that messes it up not just a little but literally destroys my whole creation. What’s the freaking point? I think I’m gunna stick with wearing makeup on occasion.

Godzilla- Isaac Sprague

Godzilla, a monster movie phenomenon, created in Japan and later made into some American films has been my favorite type of monster movie ever. You can’t say no to a monster movie where a giant monster attacks a city using fire and his huge body. Also, the acting is so poor that you love it!
But in the past few years there hasn’t been a new movie for Godzilla. If only somebody could put them all on DVDs and upgraded the graphics. I mean I loved the old movies except for the black and white ones. I am sure many people do not like Godzilla because they say something like “oh, he is just some stupid monster who always attacks Japanese towns.”  I love Godzilla on the other hand because he often times saved humans from a monster threat even though he often times originally attacked their towns and cities; he always left for the ocean.
After looking at the list of Godzilla movies on Google, I saw that there have been quite a few Godzilla movies but none in the past nine years. I doubt they will make another one anytime soon because the latest film is called Godzilla: Final Wars.

Band-Julie Gross

You know band is really not as bad as you might think. Sometimes of course you have bad days, like when you have early marching band practice, but it’s actually really enjoyable. In band you are kind of like a family. Including, the fact that we all get on each other’s nerves a lot. My favorite part of band is ether pep band or concert band. Pep band is exciting and we get to play fun music but in concert band the music is beautiful and peaceful. You really get to express yourself through music in concert band. And in band you create so many memories good or bad. Like when we all took the band trip to Florida. We all had good memories such as the hilarious pictures of people during the roller coaster rides or that cute foreign guy. But of course our bus had to break down at 12:30 in the morning creating havoc and chaos. I think all the band members remember that episode. We found out Perkins isn’t so perky at 12:30 in the morning. Also in band you get this great feeling after you’ve got a superior rating at contest. Contest is a bit nerve racking but it’s a great feeling to see all of the hard work we put into it pay off.  You also notice the different personalities of the different sections. As Mr. Roegge puts it the trumpets are full of themselves. And as a saxophone I notice all of the saxophones we have had have been very sarcastic. The drummers are just plain annoying after a while and the trombones are supposed to be the “smart” ones.  Even with all these clashing personalities, we come together to form a whole and always strive for the perfect show.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

School Without Laptops- Zoe Walsh

I understand that the funding is not available for the laptops to be one-to-one for each student, however, let me take this time to vent about how inconvenient it is. I used to complain about having to lug around my laptop every day, but I took my laptop for granted.
  • Communication with teachers- Teachers communicate with us through emails. Whether they send us notes, reminders, or assignments they are in touch with us through a quick and easy email.  With a laptop, checking my email was an everyday ritual. Without my laptop, communicating with teachers is more of a hassle.  
  •  Notes- Notes are a huge part of most of my teachers’ lesson plans. I like to stay organized. Typing my notes is an easier faster way to stay organized. Plus we are saving paper!
Broken/Locked laptops- Too many times have I logged onto a laptop from one of the carts, and it was logged in by the previous user. It’s a pain; just log out! Also, I took very good care of my laptop while I had it, so it’s irritating to have to use a laptop that clearly someone has abused and broken. Take care of them, people!

New Security- Madeline Hoard

New Security at CHS
The administration team here at CHS takes their job of keeping students safe very seriously. Ensuring that people with harmful intent do not enter the building has been a main concern weighing on their minds. Various school shootings in small towns just like ours, have opened the eyes of school officials all around the world. CHS has adopted a new security system to keep students in our school safe during the schools hours of operation. A security camera will be placed outside the front doors of our school; anyone entering the school will buzz into the office and be let in by the secretarial staff. All of the doors will lock and unlock along with the bell schedule, guaranteeing entrance into the building will be monitored. The administrators here at CHS, realize that safety is an important part of education and take that responsibility very seriously.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Small Inventions That Would Change Everything - Cody Schmitz

There are a lot of great products in the world. What with iPhones and airplanes, we can do just about anything. However, this doesn’t mean we can do these things with efficiency and ease. I’ve compiled a list of minor changes we as humans need to make so that our lives can become exponentially easier.
1. A smartphone screen that doesn't shatter when dropped
It would ruin the sales of Otterboxes, but imagine the ease of mind we would have carrying around our iPhones and Galaxy S’s sans case. We could finally use our phones the way they were intended to be used, without a bulky plastic case concealing 75% of them.
2. A silent vacuum cleaner
I hate vacuuming, always have, always will. I’m like a dog; I run at the sight of a vacuum. I don’t hate the actual act of vacuuming, though. I hate the sound. It stresses me out! If we can put silencers on guns, surely we can make a vacuum cleaner a few decibels quieter. That way we don’t scare our dogs, babies, and me.
3. Change all words containing either ie or ei to a new vowel.
I’m tired of trying to remember how to spell receive. Or caffeine. Or Olivia Leif. And don’t give me that, “I before E, except after C” crap. If that’s such a tried-and-true rule, why are there a documented 923 exceptions to it?
Here’s a short list of exceptions:
I think we can all agree that it’s time for a change. You know that word mark that looks like an A and an E squished together? Let’s create one of those for I and E. Problem solved.
4. An option on microwaves to cool things quickly
The point of a microwave is to heat food quickly. Now what if those same machines could quickly cool food? Instant popsicles. A quick way to cool down boiling hot soups. Words can’t describe how much I want this.
5. Vending machines that take a wrinkled dollar.
Why isn't this a reality? There has to be a way for a machine to tell that a wrinkled dollar is still a valid piece of currency.

"It's a Senior Life" - Olivia Leif

    As a high school Senior, there are many chapters coming to a close and many chapters ready to be opened. The final athletic competition, the final music concert, and the final drama production are among the many loose ends to be tied up in the next few months. While these ends are being tied up, new strings are falling off the yarn ball as well. In the next few years, I along with all of my classmates will be stepping out of the safeties of childhood and into the realm of adulthood.
    Ten months from now, we Seniors will be officially be on our own in a new environment, with new teachers, new friends, and an endless list of new opportunities just waiting to be tried out. These new experiences will come at the senior class in a whirlwind and take each of us by surprise even after the warnings and guidance from parents and teachers.
    Despite the slow-motion world seniors feel while still in high school, the last seven months will fly as quickly as the first three did. Hopefully, each member of the Class of 2014 enjoys what is left of high school, and soaks up all of the wonderful ends that are coming to a close.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Movies - Leyli Biems

When I think of Halloween, images come to mind of jack-o-lanterns grinning ghoulishly, bags stuffed with colorful candy, crimson and gold leaves gently raining down on a dark, cozy street, and excited children running around in a wide variety of costumes. As you can probably tell, Halloween is my favorite night of the year. I spend the entire month of October getting into the Halloween spirit by going to haunted houses and corn mazes, watching old Goosebumps episodes, and making my favorite festive fall foods. However, the best method for getting into the Halloween spirit is watching scary movies. I have compiled a list of my favorites:
  1. Dracula (yes, the black and white one)
Rating: Not Rated
Why It’s Great: In a culture where vampires have become more sparkly than scary, it’s hard to find a good vampire movie. That’s why it’s best to go back to the basics. Although it can get pretty cheesy, this 1931 classic delivers all the creepy vampire lore a person could hope for.
  1. Hocus Pocus
Rating: PG
Why It’s Great: Anybody born in the 90’s has been raised on this movie. I’ve seen Hocus Pocus a million times, and it will never get old. There’s nothing like watching a group of kids foil the evil plot of a trio of mean, grotesque witches to get you in the Halloween mood.
  1. Young Frankenstein (sorry, more black and white)
Rating: PG
Why It’s Great: I love funny movies, and this film is one of the best comedies ever made. Lucky for us it’s also one of the best Halloween movies ever made! Young Frankenstein simultaneously provides laugh after laugh and a creepy atmosphere that’s perfect for Halloween. Besides, you can never go wrong with Mel Brooks.
  1. Poltergeist
Rating: PG
Why It’s Great: Poltergeist is by far the scariest movie on this list. What I love about this movie is that it’s undeniably creepy, but unlike movies like Halloween, it has nothing to do with a psycho killer going around violently murdering half-naked teenagers. This movie is terrifying in more of an eerie, supernatural way. It’s perfect for anybody looking for a great scary movie without the gore.
  1. The Wolf Man (I know, I know, I’m killing you with the black and white)
Rating: Not Rated
Why It’s Great: Just like Dracula is the perfect vampire movie, The Wolf Man is the perfect werewolf movie. The special effects aren’t exactly high-tech and it can definitely get a little hokey, but that’s why I love it. Besides, there will never be a better werewolf than Lon Chaney.
  1. Halloweentown
Rating: Not Rated
Why It’s Great: Another of my childhood favorites, this movie is perfect for getting into the spirit of Halloween. Halloweentown is such an important part of this holiday for me that it doesn’t even feel like Halloween until I watch it. If you’re looking for a family-friendly movie full of fun and fear, definitely watch Halloweentown.
  1. House on Haunted Hill (last black and white one, I swear!)
Rating: PG
Why It’s Great: Made in 1959, this movie is loaded with overly dramatic acting and the cheesiest effects known to man, but that’s why I love it. Everything in House on Haunted Hill is intended to give you the creeps, and, although it’s in the hokiest way possible, that’s just what it does. If you’re looking for a fun scary movie, this is the one for you.
  1. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (I lied, this one’s black and white too)
Rating: PG
Why It’s Great: Another hilarious Halloween movie made by comedy legends, I watch this movie every year. It has all of the elements a good Halloween movie should have: lots of classic scary monsters, tons of creepy moments, and loads of laughs. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein is a must-see at Halloween!
Obviously, I had to leave out some my favorites like The Exorcist, An American Werewolf in London, The Omen, and the original Fright Night (rated R, not quite school appropriate). However, if you’re looking for a movie that’s not too scary but will get you in the perfect mood for Halloween, this list is just for you. Happy Halloween!

Flush the Toilets People! - Chelsea Martin

Obviously it’s a natural thing to use the restroom. Whether you go many times throughout the day, or just once, it’s a regular habit. While bathrooms aren’t a very appealing place to be anytime, it’s even more horrible to find a little surprise waiting in the toilet when you’re going to use it yourself. I’m not quite sure what provokes people not to flush the toilet, but I’m like seriously?!?! What do you do at home after you use the restroom? Have your mom flush it? I can’t stomach the thought of not flushing the toilet after I use it. What if someone was in a dire emergency? Like having to make a bee-line for the toilet because you’re about to vomit. You sprint into the restroom and go to the first toilet you see only to find it full of human feces and urine which would probably make you puke right then and there… well, me anyways. Plus no one knows for sure (besides the person who did it) how long that little surprise was waiting in the toilet. A day?! A week?! No one knows! I understand the electric toilets should flush themselves, but if they don’t, come on people have the common courtesy to FLUSH IT YOURSELF. You can wash your hands after touching the handle and most of the germs will be gone, trust me. Sometimes you also flush it with the handle and it doesn’t always work. Therefore, FLUSH IT YOURSELF. Maybe this is just a big pet peeve to me, but please, I’m begging you, whoever is reading this that’s guilty… FLUSH THE TOILETS PEOPLE!!!