You know band is really not as bad as you might think. Sometimes of course you have bad days, like when you have early marching band practice, but it’s actually really enjoyable. In band you are kind of like a family. Including, the fact that we all get on each other’s nerves a lot. My favorite part of band is ether pep band or concert band. Pep band is exciting and we get to play fun music but in concert band the music is beautiful and peaceful. You really get to express yourself through music in concert band. And in band you create so many memories good or bad. Like when we all took the band trip to Florida. We all had good memories such as the hilarious pictures of people during the roller coaster rides or that cute foreign guy. But of course our bus had to break down at 12:30 in the morning creating havoc and chaos. I think all the band members remember that episode. We found out Perkins isn’t so perky at 12:30 in the morning. Also in band you get this great feeling after you’ve got a superior rating at contest. Contest is a bit nerve racking but it’s a great feeling to see all of the hard work we put into it pay off. You also notice the different personalities of the different sections. As Mr. Roegge puts it the trumpets are full of themselves. And as a saxophone I notice all of the saxophones we have had have been very sarcastic. The drummers are just plain annoying after a while and the trombones are supposed to be the “smart” ones. Even with all these clashing personalities, we come together to form a whole and always strive for the perfect show.
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