The Pros and Cons of Living Close to the School
By Mallory Thompson
Sleeping Longer
If the bell rings at 7:55 I just have to leave my house by 7:52 and be there in plenty of time. That means I can get a little extra sleep. One time I didn’t leave my house until after the bell rang and made it before the final bell.
I don’t have to worry about getting or buying the best parking spot. If I drove to school and found a parking spot it would take me longer to walk from there than from my house. When the parking lot gets icey I don’t have to be worried all day about someone sliding into my car.
When sports practice or games start, no problem! I simply leave about three minutes before the game and walk over to gym or football field without finding a parking spot.
Forgetting Stuff
It is pretty normal for me to forget homework or a jacket at home. I remember what I forget normally as I go into the band room, my first hour class. Then I can go home and get whatever it was. If I jog, I can make it to my house, grab the stuff, and make it back to school in two minutes or less. Yes, I have timed myself.
When I get tired of school lunches? I just go home for lunch. There is not a rush to drive somewhere fast and then stuff food in your mouth without tasting it just to be back in time. My friends like to take advantage of this too. Potlucks are a great break from school at my house.
Football Games
If you don’t go to the football games you can still hear the loud speakers. Know what’s happening in the game in the comfort of your own home! You can even hear the band during halftime!
Football Games
If you want to stay home from the game to catch up with some sleep, think again. The loudspeakers are actually loud. You won’t be able to sleep.
When there is an event at the school all the parking anywhere close to the school is filled up. This makes it extremely hard to get out of my driveway without hitting a car. Sometimes cars block the sidewalk too. That makes me really mad when I can’t even get out of my own sidewalk.
On the snow days, or random days off, the bells aren’t usually turned off. They just ring like normal. This is annoying when you finally get to sleep in but then a bell wakes you up. Five minutes later it rings again:(
High school means lots of teenagers. Teenagers litter. The amount of trash that is always in my yard is crazy. I don’t want to pick up your trash in my yard.
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