Friday, January 15, 2016

If I Could be a King - Bryson Johnson

If I Could be a King

By – Bryson Johnson

            Being royalty would be amazing because I could tell everybody what to do. Having all the money I can imagine, and being able to do anything I want would be awesome.

            The first thing I would do if I was a king, would be to form my own kingdom. I would name it something cool like Vertexcia. Vertexcia would be a smaller kingdom about the size of a Texas with limited occupants. I would let people come and visit my country, but only a chosen few would be able to stay in my country. I would do this so that my country would not get overpopulated to the point where I would not be able to go and mess around in peace. Vertexcia would be amazing because people would work for their money, but I would make the minimum wage around $15 an hour so my people could survive easily but would not have enough money to overthrow me. I would also be a pleasant king; I wouldn’t make the taxes outrageous, just enough to supply a steady cash income. I would allow everybody to choose what job they want no questions asked, then send them to get training. My servants would be treated as equals and would get paid very well.  

            After establishing Vertexcia I would build my house on the side of a mountain and it would be huge. I would make the house out of stone to make it look like a castle. The front door would be made out of dark oak, and when you walk in there would be a huge open area with a giant fountain in the middle and instead of water it would have chocolate. In the living room I would have a projection screen for the T.V. and have a dark brown leather couch with cup holders installed and a glass table to put drinks on. I would also have a fireplace under the projection screen and a bear rug in front of the fireplace, because why not? In my bedroom I would have a king-sized bed because I am a king. The bed would hang from the ceiling and it would have an option if I wanted it to swing or not. Also in the house I would install an indoor swimming pool and a bowling alley. I would also put in a bar in because I will be at least 21 when I am king. I would also have a servant named Albert.

            The garage on the house would be filled with the world’s greatest cars like Lamborghinis, and Ferraris. I would drive these cars all the time. I would go as fast as I could go and drive them around and have fun. It would be fine to do this because I would have my private fueling station so I would not have to pay for gas. I would have some friends come and race these cars with me.

            Being a king is my dream, and I would enjoy being a ruler of a country. I can’t wait until this happens to me (which it will).       

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