Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Living Inside my Favorite Book - By Connor Reynolds

Living Inside my Favorite Book
By Connor Reynolds

Have you ever wanted to live a different life? Was there ever a time you were so bored that you just could not figure what to do? Well this occasionally happens to me. I get so bored and I can not find a single thing to do. So I’ve decided to imagine what my life would be like if I lived in my favorite book or series of books. I would live in the “Game of Thrones” series. Here is a brief synopsis of what “Game of Thrones” is all about. It is a medieval fantasy that takes place mainly in Westeros and Essos. A lot of conflict take places among three main family houses. The big houses are the Starks, the Lannisters, and the Targaryens. Each group has separate conflicts. The gist of the whole series is everyone wants to rule Westeros on the Iron Throne.
I would chose to be part of House Stark. Although they go through a lot of hardships they still overcome their problems. Being a child of  the Stark family means I would bear the family Wolf sigil. Also, would have the ability to tame a direwolf ( a heavier built greywolf) to be my companion. Having a pet wolf would be amazing in a few ways. First, no one would ever mess with me because they would probably in up severely hurt. Another reason is because IT IS A WOLF! In the “Game of Thrones” world I could choose several different paths to follow. I could join Rob Stark and fight a war against the Lannisters for killing my father. I could go to King's Landing and live the lavish style of a high lord or try to assassinate the king to become king myself. I could venture north to “The Wall” and become a brother of the black. Here I would devote my life to defend the realm of Westeros. If I became a ranger I could travel beyond the wall and fight wildlings and even giants.  I could travel east to Essos where all sorts of possibilities await me. I could meet the Dothraki, a group of horse riding barbarians who travel in tribes by the thousands.  I could travel to Valyria and destroy cities. I could travel to the Shadows Lands and discover a variety of monsters including dragons that I battle.

Even with all that I mentioned, there is still plenty of different possibilities for me. Living in the “Game of Thrones” world be a new way of life not obtainable in the real world. It has much more risk, danger, and thrill involved. It would be a unique life to experience and would be a nice change for a short period of time as long as I did not die while I was there because that could be a little too gruesome.

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