Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blake Woellhof's February Blog

Winking at My Teacher
            I learned at a young age that winking at your teacher is not a good idea.
            It all started back in fourth grade. Mrs. Retter was my fourth grade teacher and I kind of had a crush on her. One morning I must have gathered up the courage to make a move. Mrs. Retter was sitting at her desk, and I raised my hand to ask a question. I don’t remember what I asked but while she was giving me a response, I winked at her. It must have been a pretty obvious wink because she suddenly stopped talking and gave me an astonished glare. Then she asked, “Did you just wink at me!?” I immediately turned beet red and started to deny it, but other classmates saw me do it so I was caught.
            Later in the day Mrs. Retter came up to me and said that she was going to tell her husband that I winked at her. Her husband, Ben Retter, frequently came into class to talk to his wife. For the next week, I came to school scared out of my mind that Ben was going to walk in and beat me up. I eventually ran into Ben soon after and he said, “I heard you have been winking at my wife, better not do that anymore.” At the time I didn’t know he was joking and I was really intimidated, but soon after he told me he was just messing around. Ever since, I still get embarrassed whenever I see Mrs. Retter or her husband, Ben.

Brittany Randall's February Blog

     Many of the students in this school don’t understand how weird it is to have older siblings who enjoy parading their boyfriend/girlfriend around their younger siblings. This happened to me many times, mainly because my brother didn’t understand that “Date Night” normally meant to take the girl out to dinner and a movie. Instead, my dear, idiotic, older brother thought the girl du jour would enjoy spending a few hours with him and his Xbox in his basement room. This wasn’t even the most awkward part. My brother had a type, and it was blonde, tan, and tall. Basically, everything he was, only as a female. They were always so superficial and had the most annoying laughs. Seriously, they could match the pitch of our house alarm. This was not cool, because their curfews were always at about midnight, while I was ordered to bed at about ten o’clock almost every night, AND my room was situated directly above my brother’s room. I could hear every giggle, every respawn, and every jiggle of the controller my brother used. Thankfully, by the time he was a senior in high school, his taste in women improved, as did his idea of an actual date. He doesn’t have a particular “type” for girls, but he still has his standards. Although this is all well and good, he still hasn’t learned that it can get annoying to be awakened at 1:00 am by music. There are just some things you can’t change about siblings. Especially their choices.

Kadin Zimmerman's February Blog

There might not be anything in the world that chaps my *** more than people who blog for a living. Who can make a living by writing their thoughts? It reminds me of people who update their Facebook status five times a day, or Twitter users who have the urge to tweet when they are using the restroom. Are bloggers just wanna-be journalists? Maybe they are just too lazy and don’t want to get a real job. Who would want to pay a blogger to read what they have to say? For the most part, you can read Fox News, CNN, or the BBC to get up to date on all of the recent news. It’s ironic how I am expressing my thoughts about blogging in a blog. That’s just my thoughts on that.    

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ike Uri's February Blog

Why Cupid?

            Valentine’s Day is full of symbols of love. Hearts, flowers, chocolates, and bright red cookies line the aisles of stores, and lovesick couples fawn over each other while sipping champagne. However, one common icon of the holiday doesn’t make as much sense. The near-naked, chubby, weapon-yielding cherub, whose image graces walls and packages, is an odd symbol to represent love.
            Cupid’s history began long ago in Roman mythology. The cupid of Rome was certainly different than the one we know today. He wore even less clothing, was less cute and chubby, and symbolized erotic love more than puppy love. However, this more masculine version of our happy love propagator still flew around shooting arrows, making many a happy lover. Since the demise of Rome, cupid has continued to flap away, never losing his popularity.
            This enduring symbol of love will never cease to grace Valentine’s Day cards and annoy those who don’t have a date for the holiday. Though many claim to hate the armed infant who shoots the arrows of love, they may simply be in need of one of those arrows themselves.

Courtney Monzon's February Blog

Teacher’s Aide
Back when I was in fourth grade, I had the biggest crush on my teacher’s aide. This guy was not only the hottest guy I had ever seen, but was also a star high school football player. So one day I was inside finishing up a test while everyone else was outside at recess. The aide stayed inside, to supervise me as I finished. After I was done with my test, the aide and I headed for the door to go outside. As he held the door open for me, I walked underneath is arm, reached my arms up, and caressed his muscles. With my hands still on his tricep, I looked up at him sweetly, and exclaimed as flirty I could at the age of ten, “I’m going outside!” After that, I’m pretty sure he had it as bad for me as I did for him.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Suzanne Carlgren's February Blog

A Day Full of Somethin’
Ahhhhh…Valentine’s Day. A holiday to show affection to your significant other. The day all girls dream about. The day of proposals and merriment. However, in my opinion, this day is a load of crap. Women’s thoughts are consumed with how luxurious their gifts will be, but woe to the man who gets his woman the wrong gift.  Men, here are a list of things not to get your woman for Valentine’s Day.
1.     Weight Loss Products
2.     Cleaning Supplies
3.     Cooking Utensils
4.     Mouth Wash
5.     Deodorant
6.     A razor
7.     A free waxing
8.     WD 40
9.     Wart Removers and Bunion Pads
10.  A Rake
11.  Acne Cream
12. Driving Lessons
13.  Teeth Whiteners
14.  Anything she already owns.
15.   Garden Gnome

Leyli Beim's February Blog


     I do not have a hickey. Did everyone get that? Do I need to say it again? I do NOT have a hickey! You may ask, “But Leyli, didn’t you turn sixteen this weekend?” Well, I don’t know how you celebrate your birthday, but mine was not spent letting some icky guy suck on my neck for who knows how long.
You may ask, “So Leyli, if it’s not a hickey, what is that thing on your neck?” It is a BURN! Winter Formal was this weekend. Saturday, February 4, 2012, to be exact. I was curling a piece of hair and accidently burned myself. There were witnesses! They were there! You can even ask them!
And let me tell you, this thing hurts! It’s itchy, and every time I absent-mindedly scratch it, I put myself through at least ten minutes of torturous pain. Every time the collar of my shirt touches it, it screams in protest. I certainly hope that hickeys don’t hurt this much. If they do, I will never let my significant other near my neck.
I have had so many people ask in alarm, “Is that a hickey?!” Well, you now have your answer. And I’m going to say it again, just to clarify. NO, it’s NOT a hickey!

Trent Tholstrup's February Blog

Super Bowl Recap
            This year’s Super Bowl was dubbed the “rematch” because the two teams played each other in the Super Bowl four years ago. The talk before the game was all about New England Patriots' tight end Rob Gronkowski’s high ankle sprain. This ankle injury would limit the record breaking tight end to being a non-factor in the game. More than 111 million people tuned in to watch the game. And just think, in the middle of summer, many doubted that an NFL season would even exist. The lockout apparently didn’t hurt the fan base, or the price for a 30 second ad. Companies apparently had to cut their comedian commercial writers to afford a $3.5 million dollar ad.
     The new definition of a halftime show: a has-been singer mixed in with some current popular artists, singing old/new song combinations and looking like they just stepped off the set of an ancient Roman Empire film. Oh yeah, we can’t forget about being shown the middle finger by singer M.I.A. *Sigh* why can’t we just have a NFL regular season halftime that takes 15 minutes and get on with the game?
     Oh yes the game. Wait, there was a game right? The Yankees were up early 2-0 off a dumb Boston mistake. No, no, that’s just what people who turned in 5 minutes late assumed when New York led 2-0. The Patriots battled back for the lead but couldn’t hold on and let New York beat them for the second time in the Super Bowl. The Giants hoisted the trophy, Eli Manning received the MVP award, and the team is going to Disney World. End of story right? WRONG… Patriots, Matt Light and Rob Gronkowski  (bad ankle and all) were seen dancing the night away shirtless after the game. Gisele Bundchen, Victoria’s Secret Model/Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady’s wife was heard saying after the game, “My husband cannot f****** throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time. I can’t believe they dropped it so many times.” Well Gisele, maybe that email you sent out at the beginning of the week asking for people to pray for your husband wasn’t received by Tim Tebow.

Cody Schmitz' February Blog

The Babysitter
     Back in the late 90’s when I was about 5 or 6, my brother and I received periodic visits from a babysitter whenever my parents needed to get out of the house. This sitter was in high school at the time, a junior or senior, and if my memory is correct, had the curliest hair of any human I’ve yet to meet. This teenager also had to be the strictest sitter of all. Maybe it was just my imagination, but she ran our house like a prison. No T.V., no video games… no anything! It was terrible! For hours at a time we would sit in our living room bored to death while this girl (we’ll call her Sara) would sit and read the one novel she never seemed to finish. Even though Sara was perpetually terrible, I developed very strong feelings for her over the months she was with us. I longed to be around her while she yelled at us for things we didn’t do. I would watch her read for what seemed like hours (which isn’t creepy, because I was under age 10). One evening when my parents were out, the three of us started up our same ritual in the living room; she read and we watched. After a while, Sara decided it was time for me to go to bed. If I remember correctly, it was about 6:00. Six! So she sent me upstairs pouting while my brother got to stay and watch her read. It was at that moment, while secretly peering over the staircase railing, that I decided High School Sara was in love with my 10-year-old brother. Jealousy coursed through my veins as I looked at the two sitting in complete silence; I could almost taste the chemistry! At once, I got up and did what any man should do when he loses a woman. I cried. For what seemed like no reason, I sobbed for hours while Sara did little to console me. Not that I wanted her consolation anyways. Who was she, thinking she could go after my brother then just come back to me? It took until my parents came home for me to calm down, and I glared at Sara as she left our house for the night. I don’t remember if Sara ever babysat us again, but it was wise of her if she decided not to. Who knows what I would have done next; jealousy works in mysterious ways.

Olivia Leif's February Blog

A Not so Perfect First Kiss
Since I was old enough to understand what having a “boyfriend” meant, my mom and dad told me that I was not allowed to date or to have a boyfriend until I was sixteen. When I was very little this rule didn’t mean much to me, but the summer before my freshman year my thoughts about “no dating” changed immensely.
            I had just begun high school; therefore high school boys became an important part of my life almost overnight. There was this one boy who really caught my eye. He was older than I was and let me tell you, he was a cute one. He and I were in band and choir together, and were also in the musical that was being put on by the drama department. Our relationship began one morning on the bus on our way to marching band rehearsal at the practice field. My best friend Michaela and I always sat next to each other on the bus, but this particular morning Michaela didn’t get on the bus with me for reasons I don’t remember now. Apparently this boy, “Mike”, saw this as an opportunity to put his moves on an innocent and completely clueless freshman girl. I was planning on riding by myself, when all of a sudden Mike plopped down not in the open seat next to me, but on my lap. I really don’t know why, but this didn’t bother me because I thought he was cute and was excited to have the attention. I eventually shoved Mike off my lap and went through the rehearsal flirting and batting my eyes at him. After that day, Mike and I sat together every morning on the way to rehearsal, and we also started “talking”. I quickly had feelings for this boy and wished that I was sixteen so I could officially date him. Because I wasn’t old enough, my parents really didn’t know that anything was going on between Mike and me. My older brother Creighton saw us being a little more than friendly, and being the protective brother that he is, told me numerous times to stay away from Mike, and I of course being the know it all younger sister, ignored everything he said. Mike and I continued to be chummy during marching band, football games, and play practice, but he never showed any interest in being anything other than friends that are really flirty with each other. I came to except this, but still hoped I was wrong.
            Marching band goes to Fort Hays every October for contest, and Mike asked me if I wanted to go with him in the van so we could sit together. (Boys and girls are not allowed to ride together on the bus if the trip is more than just across town.) I was super nervous, but said yes after talking Michaela and her boyfriend to come with us. He and I were sitting in the very back seat of the van when he all of a sudden casually slipped my hand into his. I was totally okay with this, and just went on with whatever I was talking about. He then got out his iPod, scooted closer to me and started playing an intense game of Connect Four with me. I was talking about something when Mike out of nowhere leaned over and planted a big fat kiss on me. I was so flabbergasted I didn’t know what to do or say. I only remember him looking at me, smiling, then doing it again. The fact that he kissed me wasn’t what made me nervous; it was the fact that it was for one, my first kiss; two, it was on our way to Marching Contest; and three, there were a van full of people sitting right there in front of us…definitely not my idea of a “romantic Hollywood Style foot popping first kiss!”
            Mike and I stopped talking that same fall about a month after that memorable day on the way to Hays. Michaela and many of the other band members still give us both a hard time about it, but I guess we kind of asked for it and can’t complain. Though he and I are nothing more than friends now, Mike and I still laugh at and can’t believe how my first kiss went.