By Janae Champlin
By the time October hits, people are planning and creating their Halloween costumes. Halloween was based on the old Celtic holiday, when people dressed up in spooky costumes to scare away evil spirits. Now it’s a way for little kids to dress up as their favorite Disney princess or superhero. When I was little my female relatives always put me in the most embarrassing outfits. First, when I was about two years old, my mom picked out a fat bumblebee costume. Now when I look through the pictures I realize how ridiculous that costume looked. The next year my nana took me and my sister down to the basement and showed us our identical pumpkin Halloween costumes. These extended to the length of our arms so only our hands stuck out. If my nose itched, I was out of luck.
Now that I am in high school I have noticed that teenage girls just use Halloween as an excuse to dress up like…well…hmmm…how do I say this delicately…like strumpets. (It’s a Shakespeare word. Look it up.) And guys just use Halloween to look and the girls who are dressed up like strumpets, and to spend one night committing acts of skullduggery. (Watson gave me this word. It’s a good one. Look it up.)
Some people even use Halloween as an excuse to dress up their pets. I always feel sorry for the weenie dog whose owner dresses him up as a hot dog. Really? How embarrassing for the dog.
No matter what your costume preference, whether you want to be Katniss or Genghis Khan get your costumes ready and go out and have fun!
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