I grew up watching Christmas
specials on TV. Seeing all the main characters playing in the snow, making
snowmen and drinking hot chocolate was very painful for me, especially because,
as some of you may know, I wasn’t born in Rio but in Brasilia. Brasilia is not
only the capital of the country but literally smack-dab in the middle of it. This
means no beach or hardly anything to do (I’m sorry people from Brasilia but you
know it’s the truth).
Since no one is fully happy with
what they have, I have obviously always loved cold weather instead of the heat.
I’m not being unfair; I have great memories from winter break. Most of them,
however, I honestly just spent tanning somewhere.
After I arrived here, it didn’t take
very long until the subject of cold weather came up. When I heard that for the
past couple of years Concordia’s winters weren’t very severe, it was like a
punch in the face. To be very honest, if for the 10 months I spent here had no
snow… I would be beyond mad and disappointed. And Apple, your awful weather
forecast app giving me fake expectations was no help.
So here I was, an exchange student
wanting nothing but a white Christmas. I was already getting fussy with the
fact that winter was almost half way over and not even a single snowflake had
fallen yet, that is until Wednesday the 19th, the happiest night of
my exchange year. During youth group I got a text from my dad saying “hey go
look outside it is snowing”. No doubt I was the crazy girl trying to eat snow
in the middle of the street (not even sorry). The next day we were given a late
start so I went on I walk that I will never forget. I walked silently through
this tiny town, so pretty and white, just like in the movies and how I always
Since that first snow, there has
been only one more big snow. I got to go sledding with my friends which was a
lot of fun, drink hot chocolate, and almost had amputate my feet from the cold.
I’m in love with winter and I’ll miss it more than most things in America. I
cannot wait to go skiing in Colorado over spring break with my youth group. Speaking
from experience, it’s better to roll with your friends in the snow, freezing,
and then go for a coffee or something than roll in the hot sand and feel like a
fried chicken for the rest of the day. So stop complaining, everyone. The snow
will melt and it will all be over very soon. But for now, let me just live my
Which reminds me… I still have to
build a snowman.
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