Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Misses of January

By Cody Schmitz

Now that January is nearing a close, I’m able to look back and deem my “Misses” for the month.

Miss: No Sun
My Northern European descent haunts me on a daily basis. Not because of my ancestral demons, but because I am literally as white as a ghost. May through mid October, I look like a normal caucasian person. However, once the earth rotates and the sun lessens in intensity, I revert to looking terminally ill. I can’t wait for the sun to bring me back to a normal skin color.

Miss: I Don’t Own a Winter Jacket Anymore
It’s a sad, sad fact. I mean, I live in Bipolar Kansas. I should have no less than three acceptable winter coats at my disposal. And I did have one! Until like, November, I had a great jacket - that I lost. I spent all of December looking for said jacket and by the time January rolled around, I figured winter was close enough to over that I wouldn’t need to spend my money on a new one. But winter is winter, no matter how much is left. I’ve spent the past month coat-less; surviving on light jackets is no way to live your life.

Miss: No Snow
Even without a coat, I still prayed for snow. And I can now officially say this: IT DIDN’T SNOW FOR THE DURATION OF JANUARY 2013. In fact, the last snow Concordia saw was on December 31st, 2012. Truly infuriating. All I want is a snow day. I haven’t had a snow day since my Freshman year!

Miss: No Major Holidays
Yes I know, MLK Day is a big deal. However, I want an Easter, a Halloween, a Thanksgiving. Even New Year’s Eve is in December! Let’s petition up a new holiday. I vote January 8th - my half birthday.

Even with these (and more) misses around, I still enjoyed my January 2013. However, I can eagerly say, bring on February!

1 comment:

  1. I have given you several options for a different coat you goof! Mom has spoken :)
