Monday, February 25, 2013

Childhood Crush

By Courtney Monzon

          Almost everyone has a childhood crush, and I was no exception. You could say I had a “love spell” over me when I was in preschool. I met him way back when I went to Cloud County Community College Children Center, and his name was Eli. When we were in preschool we hung out with Cody, Whitney, Olivia, and Zoe. We were a gang.

            Our parents were really good friends, so I spent a lot of time with him. It was a tradition to go trick-or-treating together, so every year our moms coordinated our costumes. When I was one, we dressed up as red and yellow M&M’s. Another year we dressed up as doctors. But my absolute favorite costume we did together was when I was Raggedy Ann and Eli was Andy. We were seriously adorable!



            At many high schools and colleges for homecoming they have kids do the crowning. Obviously Eli and I crowned together


This is by far my favorite picture of us two

 It was a sad day for me when I found out Eli was moving to Salina. But I soon got over it as I went off to kindergarten with the rest of my gang. Eli and I lost touch, but I do see him every now and again.

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