Friday, October 3, 2014

Gil Fullbright for President - Isaac Sprague

Gil Fulbright for President

By Isaac Sprague


     The political system is corrupt. According to, the candidates in Kentucky’s current senate race are receiving a total $100 million to fund their election. That amount of money could be used to send 8,000 students through elementary and secondary school, according to stated that Kentucky’s current senate race will be the most expensive senate race in American history. Can you say that money isn’t important in a congressional election? Think again. In an article in The Washington Post, in 2012, 91% of congressional elections were won by the candidate who received the most funding. However, I think we can all admit that the person with most money isn’t always the person who has our best interests at heart.


 However, there is hope provided by a new candidate, the “honest” politician, Gil Fulbright. Gil Fulbright is a paid actor who is trying to help people understand that our political system is run by greed and corruption. Gil’s part in the race consists of everything a normal candidate does such as raising funds from donors outside the state. But he is completely honest so he admits that he doesn’t care about anything except votes. His job as a politician is solely creating an image of himself that appeals to the voter, and being a candidate who spends about two-thirds of his time raising money for his next election. He is hilarious and uses humor to get people’s attention…then he shoves the truth down their throats.


     Don’t misunderstand; Gil Fulbright isn’t just about doing absolutely nothing for his country. He is contributing by crashing political debates, rallying anti-corruption supporters, and enlightening our society as a whole.  We cannot, however, rely only on Gil and Represent Us, the non-profit organization who hired Gil. As Americans we must fight for the country. We must care about what happens. We must educate ourselves on the issues. We must research the candidates and we MUST VOTE the good ones in and the bad ones out!


Here is a video expressing the “honest” views of Gil Fulbright.


Link to Gil Fulbright’s Website


Link to Represent Us Website

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