Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Lead By Example - Zoe Walsh

 by Zoe Walsh

Participation--noun--the act of taking part in something.

Concordia High School students have become very familiar with the words “participate” and “school spirit”. These words go hand-in-hand. School spirit requires participation. At pep-rallies, school assemblies, and in our classrooms, we hear about how participation and school spirit at CHS has dramatically decreased over the past years. But wait, before you become bored by this blog post, thinking I’m just going to lecture about how the student body does not participate or show school spirit, think again!

As Homecoming week, with all its festivities, has come and gone, I have noticed a reoccurring trend in our high school. Often times teachers and administrators are the ones preaching about school participation, so why did I see only a handful of teachers or administrators who participated in Homecoming dress-up days?

“The three most important ways to lead people example.” -Albert Schweitzer 

Everyone has their own excuses. “I am too busy. I have to look professional. I just didn’t want to.” But really, how hard is it to throw on a pair of crazy socks? Or a pink/blue shirt? If you have to look professional, wear a crazy tie. Wear a camo hat. Show the student body that you, as teachers or administrators, are participating and maybe the numbers of participants will increase. Plus it’s five days that you don’t have to wear your uncomfortable professional attire.

So here is my challenge to the administrators and teachers at CHS during Red Ribbon week, Winter Sports dress-up days, or any other time chance you get to participate, (please) DO IT!  To the teachers and administrators who have been participating, THANK YOU! Thank you for leading by example. 

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