Holiday Hangover
By Julie Gross
It’s that time of year again! January. The holiday high is over and now it’s back to the same, old, boring life. Literally nothing is happening and we have to go back to work and school with pale faces and dark circles under our eyes.
It wouldn’t be so bad if there weren’t so many huge holidays packed into 3 months. Four holidays in three months? Who planned this?!?! From October to December, the world revolves around holidays. In September, Walmart has already put out their entire collection of Halloween candy, and if you are like me you visit the candy aisle each time you go grocery shopping and gain ten pounds before Halloween even gets here. Then in the beginning of October, Thanksgiving decorations and food get put out in the stores, taunting you a month before you actually get to eat it. Then after Halloween, its all about Christmas. Apparently we are all supposed to plan Christmas two months in advance and have a perfect minute by minute itinerary planned for guests. After two months of Christmas decorations, shopping, and relatives, it’s time for it to be over. Then, after the holiday rush is over you want it to be back because you realize it’s the best break from real life.
Holidays are an excuse to go shopping, eat all the food and candy you want without being called fat, and there are breaks. Breaks everywhere! Fall break, Thanksgiving break, and Christmas break, and no work on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day. It’s the laziest time of year!
However, now it’s January. We are all tired, broke, and irritable. We realize that the next holiday isn’t until Valentine’s Day and for most of us it’s just depressing. So really the next happy holiday is Easter which is three months away. For now, we’ll wait. The wait will be long, boring, and full of complaints, but when September rolls around, the rush will begin all over again.
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