Friday, January 16, 2015

The Truth About Adoption - Allison Redmond


The Truth About Adoption
By: Allison Redmond
On December 23, 2008, my family gained a huge addition. We adopted Christian, Diego, and Noah, and our lives changed drastically. The past few years have definitely been a rollercoaster. In fact, I probably have too many stories to tell about the past few years. Unfortunately, the past years have not been all simple and easy. It has been rough, and that’s a side of adoption you don’t always hear about.
When my brothers moved in with us, I went from being the youngest and almost the only kid living at home, to basically the oldest.  This was because one of my two siblings was in college and the other was about to graduate high school. Not only that, but my number of siblings more than doubled.The sudden addition of three young boys cost me a lot of personal space. I remember numerous times when I went into my room just to find one of them rummaging through my stuff. It also required a huge attitude adjustment on my part. Switching from the baby of the family to the middle child seemed almost impossible, but I survived.
Since my brothers are Hispanic, it is evident that I do not look like them. Whenever I introduce them to someone, I always get confused look.  People assume that because we look different, there is no way we can come from the same family. Their look of confusion is always followed by my long explanation of how they are adopted, and a short explanation of my life since 2008.
However, not everything about the boys has been negative. The past years have brought so many wonderful and hilarious memories into my life from long road trips with Christian and Noah, countless rap battles with Diego, and much more. They also have taught me a lot about patience. Overall, the adoption of Christian, Diego, and Noah has really changed my life for the better.
I’m not going to lie, the past seven years have been difficult. However, most things in life worth having require hard work. I do not know how my parents do it sometimes. They are pretty much super heroes. Dealing with the boys’ previous life situation has been challenge, but they work through it with them. Even though there have been many obstacles, the adoption was completely worth it. I honestly do not even remember what life was like before my brothers were a part of my family. They are as much my siblings as my older brother and sister are.

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