Friday, December 5, 2014

The Christmas Drink - Mallory Thompson

The Christmas Drink

By Mallory Thompson

     Sparkling grape juice is commonly drunk at Christmas. Or sometimes Thanksgiving. What I want to know is why people don’t drink it on other holidays? For example, it would be a very nice drink for Valentine’s Day. Or, even on a daily basis. Maybe just as common as water or pop. I have so many memories with it. My friend Lydia and I like to have it for our birthdays. One year we decided to mix white and red grape together then add grapes. You can get creative with it.

     For Christmas my family knows I like sparkling grape juice so much I got it as a present one year. I don’t like to share it so it was great to have my own bottle.

     Sparkling grape juice is also good for people who don’t drink alcohol. You can substitute it in. When people drink wine, you can just drink grape juice. You can even put it in a fancy glass and it wouldn’t look out of place.

     Sparkling grape juice is also a good item to bring to Christmas parties. You don’t have to bake anything and you can easily run to the store and buy a couple bottles.

     The only bad thing about the juice is buying it. If you don’t buy the fancy Christmas bottles the regular looks similar to a wine bottle. Just this weekend I got dirty strange looks just for holding the bottle. It is just juice! The checkout person even asked me if I was sure I wanted to buy it. Well yes, I want to buy some sparkling grape JUICE.

     Over the years, they have added new kinds of sparkling juice. Now you can get blueberry grape, cranberry grape, apple, and lots of others. But, red grape will forever be the most common and my favorite.

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