Monday, November 9, 2015

Thanksgiving Food - Bryson Johnson


By Bryson Johnson

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday besides Christmas. I love Thanksgiving 

because you are allowed to eat all you want and nobody will question you. As we 

all know the best part about Thanksgiving is the food. The other awesome thing 

about Thanksgiving is getting together with family and just hanging around the 

house. The only bad thing about Thanksgiving is doing all the cooking! We don’t 

have a big family so we don’t have to cook for too long, but the people that have 

a big family and have to cook all that food, I salute you. 

I don’t know what other families have for Thanksgiving, but we have some 

mouthwatering delicious food. For our meat we usually get a turkey or a ham and 

cook it for a couple of hours; then the meat just falls off the bone. After getting 

the meat off the bone we put the meat back in the oven and let it sit for a while. 

My mom is the best at making green bean casserole. I don’t know what is all in it 

because I have never helped make it. We also have some mashed potatoes with 

brown gravy, which is amazing. Also we have stuffing and really soft rolls with 

butter, and some Jello or some pie to add some sweets to the mix. 

My favorite of all the pies ever made is pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie with a lot 

of whipped cream and you have the best food item ever thought of. I could eat 

pumpkin pie at any time of the year.

10 Things You've Probably said if you are as Right-brained as I am - Allison Redmond

10 Things You’ve Probably said if you are as Right-brained as I am.

By Allison Redmond
What does it mean to be “Right-brained”? That simply means that the right half of my brain is the dominant half. Right-brained people tend to be creative, spontaneous, tardy, forgetful, auditory, and gesticulators. If you know me at all, you know that basically all of these apply to my personality. However, this does not mean that we are irresponsible. We just tend to have so much going on in our minds at one time without a way to organize it that we are forgetful. Here are some frequent statements that I say because I am so right-brained:

  1. “Where are my keys? Oh. They’re in my hand.”

  1. “I had something very important to tell you, but I don’t remember what it was. This is going to drive me crazy!”

  1. “Well shoot! That was today??”

  1. “I need to write that down in my planner. WHERE IS MY PLANNER?! I’ll write it on my hand.”

  1. “Huh? Oh, nothing. That was just me talking to myself.”

  1. “What did I come in here for?”

  1. “If I can’t remember what I am supposed to be doing at eighteen, what will I do at fifty-six??”

  1. “Can you repeat that? I got distracted.”

  1. “Wait. Where was I going with story?”

  1. “I know I was supposed to do something on Wednesday. Oh well, someone will tell me eventually.”

Support our Thunderbirds - Peyton Reynolds

Support our Thunderbirds
by Peyton Reynolds
“Let’s go Panthers, Let’s go Panthers, Let’s go Panthers!” This is the chant we hear at every sporting event from our fans from the community. However, I think sometimes we forget that we have two amazing schools in our community, CHS and CCCC. It is a blessing to be able to live in a town that not only has a great high school but also a great college. Our community is so supportive when it comes to supporting us, Panthers, but we need to give just as much support to our Thunderbirds also.
Having a parent that works at Cloud County Community College, I realize that Cloud needs just as much support from our community as our community gives the the high school. We have many students who attend CHS, but their parents are part of Cloud in some way. Some of you may have noticed that some of the CCCC students and athletes come to many Panther sporting events. It is time for us as Panthers to return the favor and support the CCCC students and athletes.
Kids from all over the world come to Cloud to participate in sports and other activities, but not all of them have their parents, best friends and family on the sideline or in the stands supporting them. We all know that everyone needs support.

Not only do we need to support the athletes and students but also the coaches, faculty and staff. Eric Gilliland, CCCC’s Sports Information Director, has set up Cloud sports pages. To keep up-to-date on Cloud athletics, go follow Cloud athletics twitter page @CCCCsports and go like their facebook page “Cloud County Athletics”. Also, CCCC has just gotten a brand new website, “”. I would like to wish all Cloud athletes and coaches a big good luck this year! I’m sure they would love to see more of the community support.  Go out and support the T-Birds!

15 Reasons Why it is so Beautiful to be an Aunt - Allegra Giacomelli

15 Reason Why it is so Beautiful to be an Aunt
By Allegra Giacomelli
Being an aunt or an uncle is the best thing that you can be. When you become an aunt your life changes completely. Here are 15 reasons why it is beautiful be an aunt.

  1. Being an aunt it is like being a child again. With your niece or nephew, you can do all the things that you did as a child or the things that you never got to do as a child.  In any case, everything with them is more fun.
  2. No matter how often you see them, it is not enough, but you know that they love you anyway.
  3. You are so proud of the progress of your niece on nephew just like they are your children.
  4. When you go to see them and they run towards you with a big smile and open arms, you know that you cannot go anywhere too far away.
  5. When they call you “aunt” for the first time it is the best day ever.
  6. Even if you do not intend to you always pamper them. In every place you go there is always something absolutely too cute that you have to buy for them.
  7. They view you as their heroes when mom and dad scold them.
  8. When , they talk about their family, they also include their aunt.
  9. Hearing their little voices on the phone is a beautiful thing.
  10. They make you feel important when they want it to be you to put them to bed.
  11. Those smiles and their laughter! They are the best ever.
  12. The uncle and aunt are free to cultivate a relationship with them and become their friend.
  13. You get a taste of what having a kid is like, but you get to sleep at night.
  14. You can teach them anything.
  15. You are the perfect combination of mother and friend!

Friday, November 6, 2015

What it Means to be a Middle Child - Kayla Dvorak

What it Means to be a Middle Child
By Kayla Dvorak

            Although I’ve gained a plethora of younger siblings through remarriage over the years, I spent the majority of my childhood as the middle child. Over the years I’ve also endured countless jokes about “Middle Child Syndrome” any time I declared unfairness over bedtimes, inconsistencies in money spent on birthday gifts, and more recently, curfews. defines Middle Child Syndrome as, “A disposition that generally arises with the middle child of three children in a household. Middle children often lack the attention that the oldest (the most important child) and the youngest (the parent's favorite child) receive.” While that definition is fairly accurate, whoever wrote it neglected to mention some vital parts of what it means to be a middle child.
            They forgot to mention the hours a middle child will spend pestering an older sibling for advice. It’s almost unhealthy how dependent I’ve grown over the years on my sister’s wisdom. She’s a good sport, though.
            They forgot to mention the insane need you feel to protect and parent your younger sibling. I’d like to take a moment and reflect on the trip my family took to the Grand Canyon this summer. My eleven year old brother ventured out to a rock that I DID NOT deem safe. I grew hysterical, in front of dozens of tourists, and had to go back to the car. I simply could not bear the idea of my baby being in danger.
            They also forgot to mention the golden moments featuring the middle child as the most important sibling, moments that the middle child treasures for all eternity.

            The life of a middle child has been chronicled as a lonely, angry, and destitute journey. Well, I’m here to say that while it is frustrating at times, it is also incredibly humbling and has taught me untold lessons over the span of my life. For that reason and many more, thanks Mom and Dad.

Tough Mudder - Connor Reynolds

The Tough Mudder
By Connor Reynolds

     Last month I participated in an event called the Tough Mudder. It is a 10 to 12 mile mud run with all sorts of obstacles. Some of the most memorable obstacles were Mud Mile 2.0, Cry Baby, Artic Enema 2.0 and Electroshock Therapy 2.0. Now I’m going to go into detail about of these obstacles and you’ll probably think to yourself “Why would anyone want to do this?” Well, to answer that question I’m a little crazy and enjoy the thrill sensation.
     The Mud Mile is a bunch of these mud humps that you have to climb over. Sounds easy but it’s not. There are a lot of people and the mud humps are about 8 feet high, plus you’re standing in about two feet of water with nothing to grab onto.
     Cry Baby is like a “Tear Gas” simulation. You have to crawl through this chamber with gas (which I think was spearmint because it tasted like it) that makes it extremely hard to breath and see. Once you’re out of the chamber your body is just covered from the gas and it sticks to you keeping you cold and it SUCKS! Plus jumping in water doesn’t wash it off; you just has to let it wear off. 
     The Artic Enema is a giant ice bath that you have slide into. This will make your adrenaline go crazy. I was in and out of the ice in about three seconds. I also had to jump over a wall into more ice and climb out. My brother jumped over a girl to get out.
     Electroshock Therapy is probably why a lot of people would say I’m crazy because I did the whole race just to get shocked. At the end of the race there are all these wires dangling down. You have two options here. First put your arms over your face and walk slowly through and get shocked five or six times. The second option is to just run full force through. This is the option my brother and I chose because he tried to beat me at the end, but it didn’t happen. What happens when you choose this option is you’ll be running, and you get shocked once. It happens when your feet hit the ground and it just knocks you into the mud and you slide over these humps in the middle. 
     There are about 20 obstacles total and thousands of other people are also on the course. The greatest feeling is not finishing the race but the camaraderie that everyone has through the course, helping each other with each obstacle.

     Other great parts of the Tough Mudder were the warm up area where the guy leading was extremely motivating and got your blood pumping. Also the guy who gave another motivational speech right before we began the race was great. I’d recommend that everyone to do the Tough Mudder or any mud run at least once in their life just for the experience. If you say you can’t because of the distance you’re wrong. I saw a 70 year old man with a broken arm run the whole race, and I guy with a gas mask and chains complete the race.

Perks of an Elementary Teacher's Kid - Mallory Thompson

Perks of an Elementary Teacher’s Kid
By Mallory Thompson

My mom is a first grade teacher. Some people like to brag about their parent being a high school teacher. But, having an elementary teacher as a parent can have its perks too.
In the summer, my job is a daycare type job and I work with 4-6 year olds. Whenever my mom gets her class list for the school year I go through all the 1st graders I know, picking out the sweet kids and the trouble kids. I tell her anything I know about her kids. When the school year starts, she comes back with stories, and it’s nice to know who she is talking about.
Anytime I have to grade papers it’s really easy. There is lots of addition, subtraction, and matching. It does get a little boring because of all the repetitiveness, and sometimes I can’t tell what number they are trying to write. My mom has become a pro at reading that writing.
Her classroom is so fun to be in. Everything is mini and you can play with the smartboard. Added bonus- since my mom is a 1st grade teacher she got moved to the new fema shelter. I love her new classroom with all the space in it. If there is ever a chance that she is in school and I am not, I go there for a day and help out. It is fun to help the kids with whatever activity they are doing.
When I was in elementary school I was in Mom’s classroom before and after school. My friends and I would meet there in the morning and play games with each other. I have lots of memories from that.
Another great thing is she has information. When there is stuff going around the school district, she usually knows about it so I know the truth to all the rumors. When there is anything going on in high school she somehow finds out about that too.
Even though there are some downsides to my mom being a teacher, like knowing everything about my school work, there are way more perks.