Monday, January 18, 2016

Italian Stereotypes about America - By Allegra Giacomelli

Italian Stereotypes about America
by Allegra Giacomelli

Every country has assumed stereotypes about other countries, and they think they know everything about the other culture. Sometimes they are right and sometimes not...usually not. In Italy there are many stereotypes about Americans. Here some of them.

  1. Americans are always ahead of any other country in everything, such like technology and medicine.
  2. Americans are lazy. They drive the car to go everywhere.
  3. All Americans love McDonald’s and any kind of fast food because they do not like to cook.
  4. Every American is fat.
  5. Americans have guns at home and they are ready to use them. They can not live without these.
  6. They are super patriotic.
  7. The only cities are New York, Los Angeles, and Miami.
  8. Americans are always friendly, funny, nice, and talkative but at the same time use bad words in each sentence.
  9. In America the shopping bags are made of paper and brown, without handles.
  10. Their whole life is like a movie, including car chases.
  11. American schools are like what you can see in the movies.There are the cool guys on one side and on the other side are the nerds. Every Italian teenager would like to go to an American high school, have a locker, be a cheerleader or a football player and ride the famous yellow bus!

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