Monday, November 9, 2015

10 Things You've Probably said if you are as Right-brained as I am - Allison Redmond

10 Things You’ve Probably said if you are as Right-brained as I am.

By Allison Redmond
What does it mean to be “Right-brained”? That simply means that the right half of my brain is the dominant half. Right-brained people tend to be creative, spontaneous, tardy, forgetful, auditory, and gesticulators. If you know me at all, you know that basically all of these apply to my personality. However, this does not mean that we are irresponsible. We just tend to have so much going on in our minds at one time without a way to organize it that we are forgetful. Here are some frequent statements that I say because I am so right-brained:

  1. “Where are my keys? Oh. They’re in my hand.”

  1. “I had something very important to tell you, but I don’t remember what it was. This is going to drive me crazy!”

  1. “Well shoot! That was today??”

  1. “I need to write that down in my planner. WHERE IS MY PLANNER?! I’ll write it on my hand.”

  1. “Huh? Oh, nothing. That was just me talking to myself.”

  1. “What did I come in here for?”

  1. “If I can’t remember what I am supposed to be doing at eighteen, what will I do at fifty-six??”

  1. “Can you repeat that? I got distracted.”

  1. “Wait. Where was I going with story?”

  1. “I know I was supposed to do something on Wednesday. Oh well, someone will tell me eventually.”

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