Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blake Woellhof's February Blog

Winking at My Teacher
            I learned at a young age that winking at your teacher is not a good idea.
            It all started back in fourth grade. Mrs. Retter was my fourth grade teacher and I kind of had a crush on her. One morning I must have gathered up the courage to make a move. Mrs. Retter was sitting at her desk, and I raised my hand to ask a question. I don’t remember what I asked but while she was giving me a response, I winked at her. It must have been a pretty obvious wink because she suddenly stopped talking and gave me an astonished glare. Then she asked, “Did you just wink at me!?” I immediately turned beet red and started to deny it, but other classmates saw me do it so I was caught.
            Later in the day Mrs. Retter came up to me and said that she was going to tell her husband that I winked at her. Her husband, Ben Retter, frequently came into class to talk to his wife. For the next week, I came to school scared out of my mind that Ben was going to walk in and beat me up. I eventually ran into Ben soon after and he said, “I heard you have been winking at my wife, better not do that anymore.” At the time I didn’t know he was joking and I was really intimidated, but soon after he told me he was just messing around. Ever since, I still get embarrassed whenever I see Mrs. Retter or her husband, Ben.

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