Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Candy Corn is the Absolute Worst Thing in the World

By Cody Schmitz

It happens every October without fail… The bane of my existence is restocked nationwide on supermarket shelves. Candy Corn.

Let me tell you something; candy corn is the worst. It’s seasonal allergies. It’s burning your tongue on molten pizza. Candy corn is the opposite of Batman.

Candy corn is what your evil, creepy neighbor gives out on Halloween night to pour just a little more hatred into the world before she dies. Let’s face it, you might as well hand out pamphlets on drugs. I bet they even taste better!

What makes candy corn the worst? Well, let’s start with the basics: what is it? What does this little sugary nugget represent? A corn kernel. Who wants to eat that? Raw corn is not appetizing. And what flavor is candy corn? Vanilla? Sugar? Poop? Probably poop.

For a handy reference, here is an official diagram detailing the exact place that candy corn falls in the world.
(Published by the Schmitzsonian)

I HATE candy corn. I don’t know if you understand this yet.

You know what makes candy corn even worse? Spin offs like this:

I can almost taste the chemicals.

I’ll never understand why this is a holiday tradition. Why do we humans put ourselves through annual torture in the name of festivity? Whatever, I’m over it. Just hate candy corn as much as I do and we’re fine. Now, on to my next hatred:
Circus Peanuts.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So I just read this. And this is my response:

    Hold-a-wait......Candy Corn is the ABSOLUTE WORST THING IN THE WORLD? I beg to differ. Other things that are worse:

    -The youngest Jonas brother playing Marius in the 25th Anniversary Concert of Les Miserables
    -Animatronic dinosaurs
    -Clip-on ties
    -All the girls in Pretty Little Liars

    Also, Twilight + Butt = Candy Corn? No. Twilight + Butt would = Well idk what it would = but it would be really awkward.

    CANDY CORN IS AWESOME. It's bright, colorful, filled with sugar, what more could you want from life? It's fun to look at, completely delicious, and makes you feel super hyper for a good 30 minutes.
    AND! I have sampled the new Candy Corn Oreos, and they are FRIGGEN AMAZING.

    So you stop it, Cody Schmitz, you stop it right now. That's like saying sprinkles are horrible.
