Thursday, January 31, 2013

Reasons Why I HATE Winter

By Janae Champlin
I love Christmas holidays and winter break but as soon as it turns cold I’m stuck in my house huddled with lots and lots of blankets.

When winter comes around people always look forward to the ‘first snow’ but after the day of beautiful whiteness cars drive over it, dogs poop in it, it melts and muddy grass is everywhere and that’s disgusting.
One thing I can’t stand is scooping snow. I get stuck with doing it every year and I have concluded that I’m not good at it and I hate it.
Well these are just a few opinionsreasons on why I HATE winter and If you don’t agree with me, I don’t care, you know they’re true.

1 comment:

  1. I saw no reference in this as to I'm a lifeguard and thus I believe that there is a lack of heat in the winter! Plus doesn't your dad scoop your mom's route to school in the mornings?
